Roswell CVB | Wildlife Baby Shower
February 23

Wildlife Baby Shower

Learn from Chattahoochee Nature Center's Wildlife Department on what to do should you find baby birds or other baby animals.

Did you know spring is the perfect time of year for baby animals? While they may be cute in their first weeks, a lot goes into caring for them, as CNC’s wildlife rehabilitators can tell you. Learn about CNC’s efforts to help injured wildlife as we celebrate a wildlife baby shower. The wildlife team relies heavily on donations to do their work and provide care for the animals. Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators cannot accept payment for their services; therefore, without the help of the community, CNC will not be able to support all the baby animals who come to us this year. This day is an excellent opportunity to meet Wildlife Department staff and volunteers, learn about what they do, and get up close to some amazing animals. Learn from professionals what to do when you find a baby animal. CNC will have unique wildlife walks with specialists dishing all the best stories about our rehabilitated animals, community partners, and fun games for the whole family to learn about their favorite baby animals.

  • Admission: General admission tickets required. Plan your visit online.
  • Location: Chattahoochee Nature Center
  • Time: 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • 9135 Willeo Road
  • Roswell, GA, 30075