Roswell CVB | North Fulton High School Exhibition
January 31 - February 13

North Fulton High School Exhibition

This exhibition presents artwork from local area high schools.

The quality of art instruction in our community is stellar. Come see work by area high schools and be amazed at these young artists' talent and skill. Works in oil, acrylic, pencil, ceramic, fiber, and watercolor. Ten area schools are allowed ten pieces each and compete for cash and scholarship prizes. This event is sponsored by the Roswell Fine Arts Alliance and Roswell Historic Kiwanis club.

  • Admission: Free and open to the public.
  • Location: Roswell Visual Arts Center
  • Time: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • 10495 Woodstock Rd
  • Roswell, GA, 30075
Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, February 12
  • Thursday, February 13