Travel & Tourism in Roswell
It's often the vehicle that attracts new businesses and residents to locate in our city. Visitors to Roswell not only stay in our hotels, they eat in our restaurants, shop, attend events and enjoy theatre, arts, and cultural offerings. They play on the river, hike our trails and boardwalks, visit our attractions, and leave behind a very positive impact on the economy of our city. But, do you really know Roswell as a destination seen through the lens of a tourist?
Spend the day with us as we walk you through the ins-and-outs of our city's tourism assets, the types of conversations we have and the decisions we make on a daily basis, the legislative items that can affect tourism in our community, and the projects that are on the horizon and what that means for Roswell.
Sample itinerary includes the following:
- Kickoff breakfast with a presentation on our structure, including how we're funded, what our core mission is, the daily tasks of our marketing and sales departments, the difference between tourism marketing vs. product development, the shifting audience and the changing landscape of Roswell's tourism assets.
- Tour of current asset areas as well as new development sites and what that means for business and mid-week vs. weekend growth.
- Learn all about the Chattahoochee Nature center and their elaborate program offerings (includes lunch)
- Go inside our historic homes to learn first-hand of the families that influenced Roswell's founding and economic growth.
- Learn more about the Roswell Manufacturing Company and the mill area, including Vickery Falls and Old Mill Park
- Wrap up with an in-depth look at the growing craft beer scene in our city, including a Q&A session (includes beer)
For more information on joining the Ambassador Program, contact: Danielle Purdie at

157 Tourism Ambassadors and counting!